Friday, September 01, 2006

HEY! I have not run off to join a circus act or anything! I have been working hard on the new site design as well as starting up my online coaching program etc. I am going to be "blogging" on my own site now so please change your bookmark settings to this link
Moe's Blog
Hope to see you there!!!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

There are about 300 million people in America....almost 200 million are classed as overweight.....of those 1/2 of them are classed as obese...and the number keep rising. Like a flood coming towards you and you can see it and you have a chance to be free from the deadly power of it or you can succumb and be like everybody else...dying from your bad habits.

out of 300 million people 2/3 of them are dying from an outrageous yet preventable realize of those numbers some of them are CHILDREN!!!! CHILDREN!!!!! We are passing on deadly habits to your son have a cigarette and some beer, your 8 and you deserve it for cleaning your room.....WTF IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!?!? 10% of our preschoolers are classed as over weight.....our 3-5 yr olds....15% of your pre-teens are fat, 15% of our teens are even fatter....LEAVE THOSE POOR CHILDREN ALONE!! It is so hard growing up normal as it is, then cripple them with a food addiction, lack of physical activity and then blame them for no motivation, slug like behavior and their ADD problems

70% of adult onset diabetes in the United States is attributed to the friggen expanding waist line...Type II kills people.

Americans spend over $33 BILLION each year on weight loss products.....and we are STILL GETTING FATTER! 25% of those same money spending, quick fix seeking Americans admitted to spending NO TIME in physical activity....25%!!!!! 14% of those 25% say they can't recall the last time they MOVED THEIR ASS!!!

Stop killing yourselves, killing your children....there is no such thing as a fat gene..there I said it..THAT'S RIGHT I SAID IT!!! We have not changed our gene's in over 100 years yet Obesity is climbing faster than the thermometer on a hot morning in Texas....

I won't be going down that road, my children won't be going down that road....I will fight till the end, i will take no prisoners.....I will win the WAR a battle at a time damn it.....

Monday, June 19, 2006

I received an email from someone who says she wants to loose weight. She started last year on the BFFM path, saw results and then lost motivation. She asked me how it is I keep mine. (waving Hi Pat!)

I thought about it for a while last night. How do I remain on target? Gosh, how do you lose the target at all if you are honestly focused on it? I did not aim at a vague point and just hope to get there..where ever the "there" may be.

Everyday is an opportunity to hit or miss so everyday I can set a goal to hit my target. The human mind is an amazing tool; don't underestimate the power of your thoughts. Anthony Robbins talks about the science of "becoming". Some people will tout the phrase " fake it till ya make it". It is about being in a place mentally that you lead the body where you desire it to go.

What I am trying to say is; there is no magic here. I do not posses something everyone else does not. People who make transformations of their body, or financially or spiritually, none of them hold some key that the world is not permissible to view. it is in your reach, if you reach. You have to reach.....listen to have to reach..not hold up your hand and wait for it to fall into your grasp, it won't happen like that.

Some tips:

Stop the crippling mind set of “I just can’t find my mojo” There is nothing to find, I am not sure why you think it was created elsewhere for you to scoop up. You make it, you create the motivation and fortitude.

Stop setting vague goals like “I want to lose weight” Well, how much weight? How can you work with a goal like that? Lose 4 pounds on a crash diet, BANG goal achieved. Close your eyes and picture who you want to be. Imagine in great detail the body image you want to have. Is it to wear a size smaller? Lose the fat off your thighs? Perhaps it is to wear a slinky black dress to a party and attract the eyes of every eligible man in the room? How will you get to that goal? How will you BECOME that goal?

Start planning: In order to reach this specific goal I need a time frame. I need an approach I can work with and a diet which I can work with. I have mapped all that out in my blog as well.

Check progress: Make sure you are charting progress. Sometimes we lose fat but not weight. We exchange fat numbers on the scale for pounds of muscle. We think all that work was for nothing and we lose focus. Take some measurements, squeeze into some smaller pants and keep trying them on…if you apply it all you will see the changes not reflected in the scale.

Get support. It is great to be held accountable to others and not just our own thoughts. Join a support forum and post your goals, your desires, your struggles….your triumphs. You can join our growing forum at We are all waiting to see you!!!

Again, remember there is no magic that you can’t seem to find. You create the motivation each and every day….read again the tips… begin your journey!!!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Putting into a clear Perspective

When you picture losing weight you picture yourself looking good and healthy, perhaps wearing a perfect pair of jeans and turning heads. You go to bed with the full mind set to wake up with the sun and begin your new diet. You feel confident in your idea and you think that this is finally the answers you were looking for. Then, as the sun peeks thru your tightly closed window shades and beams of daytime penetrate your eyelids, you grumble, roll over and hit the snooze button. You know you wanted to work out first thing yet that new fabric softener in the pillow case seems to have you in a trance.

When you finally wake up you have no time to workout at all now. In fact you are running behind and have no time to eat breakfast either. You justify it by saying you will grab something healthy on the way in. Yeah, right. On the way in are traffic jams and red lights you can’t seem to get around. By the time you arrive at the office the donuts from the break room have beckoned you and you cave in. These set off a domino effect and you fall off the diet wagon before you even touched the snooze button; before you even began!

Self sabotage is followed by self abuse and the spiral continues and you never seem to get past the gate. You beat yourself up over and over at your presumed failure and allow yourself pity to consume you. You flip the channels on the TV and see fit thin people everywhere. Some are so eye catching your self talk mutters “God I would kill to look like that!! “ You would?? Funny, from where I am sitting you are killing yourself already and you certainly don’t look like that. So, let’s put it into perspective.

Somewhere in the world a person is lying in bed right now unable to sleep. They toss and turn and replay life over and over in their minds. No, not because they are planning a new diet or failed that day to reach the diet they had planned. Think outside that mindset. Perhaps they cannot sleep because their spouse was diagnosed that day with a terminal disease, or they found out their child will be born with a severe disability. Perhaps they cannot sleep because their soul is in turmoil over something that life gives us no control over at all. Where they are, there are no choices. You cannot will death to not happen to your family and loved ones; you can’t control car accidents and traumatic events which do plague people all over the planet daily. Yet here you sit beating yourself up because you some how could not manage to wake up early?

When you see that food which beckons you, why do you allow the excuse you had no control….or even the excuse you had little control since this “ x,y,z poison” is your weakness? Stop lying, you do have control of your choice to eat it….to over eat it and to sit in your Barcalounger all evening angry at yourself for again not keeping your word to yourself. You wallow and allow yourself the self pity and self destruction to feed into your mind set. Snap the hell out of it, somewhere there is a mother grieving, or a husband dying; families are splitting up all the time left and right and you think the 4 donuts in the break room are the destruction of man kind. HELLO!??!!?

Just put it into perspective and ask yourself why you think saying no to the lasagna your Aunt Marie made is somehow far more difficult than telling your wife you have cancer. Say no thank you, grab an apple and move on from that moment. Stop acting like making the right food choices or time to work out are so mind boggling and emotionally challenging that you would rather remain over weight and out of shape. There is no grey area of torture here, it is black and white. Donut or oatmeal…..hhmm, does not seem to be so life altering when you look at it in this perspective does it??

Make your plan, choose your moments wisely and be conscious of the self talk you offer yourself as an out. Be in the moment and aware of the moments. Don’t hit the snooze and abuse yourself later…jump out of bed in a run and take life on full force! This is your time to be in control, so BE IN CONTROL!!!

~ In loving Memory~
Seamus Charles who should be turning 6 yrs old, I love you baby boy.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I want to thank all of you for the emails as well as the IM's about the forum. Unfortunately Yahoo Web Hosting has really failed to help with customer support in this regard. Our database was some how corrupted and they failed to repair it in a timely manner....ok enough of the soap box!

With the amazing help of our Tech Dept we have launched our own forum as well as website. The web site is still a work in progress but the forum IS BACK!!!! We lost some files and some people will have to register again, but I PROMISE it will be worth it!! Soon we will have chats and the gallery up and running as well....again I am sorry the first one did not workout but here is the new forum!!

Take No Prisoners

Welcome back!!!!!!

WOOOHOOO!!! Who is excited?? Ok, well I am!!!! See you there!!!!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Well, some of you have joined us at the forum I had been messing around with. Today as I was working on my business web site I stumbled across something really cool. I won't get into all the programing details because really I just closed my eyes and clicked a lot *wink* However, I would like to invite you all to join me at the "Take No Prisoners" forum! You can still smell the wet paint even!

I am excited to take this to a more comfortable level than the emails people send me from my blog as well as from the yahoo groups I am on. So...without further rambling....

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I am in my kitchen tossing in healthy ingredients to my Kitchen Aide mixer. My two year old as well as my three year old daughters' are helping me, of course. I am making up the recipe as I go along. Soon the house is filled with the scent of baking goodness as the cake mixture rises in the pan inside my oven.

Fifteen minutes later it is complete. I mix up some protein powder pudding and slop it over a piece of this new concocted "dessert/meal"of mine and take a bite. ..........

At some point in this journey food function has surpassed food flavor. I am not saying I do not thoroughly enjoy the taste of a rib eye or a piece of birthday cake, but I equally enjoy a bowl of fiber rich, anti-oxidant loaded raw veggies. That is right, go ahead read it again...I said I EQUALLY ENJOY a rib eye to a bowl of raw vegetables. EQUALLY!! How in the hell did this happen? There was at some point in my life a time when I clearly enjoyed foods! To the point of my skin being stretched past normal, my clothing popping off buttons one by one as I outgrew the body I was suppose to have. Yet, in about 15 months worth of time I have decided function is as important to me, some days more important to me than the icing on the cake.

This morning I added some protein powder to my coffee walked over to my magic cake I made and lopped off a portion. It is dry and um...Listless....I would not win an award at any contest and I am pretty sure this recipe will die with me. I sat with my cake and coffee and chewed and sipped and chewed some more. My two year old daughter woke up and asked for a bite of my cake......She chewed a bit and then her eyes grew wide as she promptly spit my dry, gritty creation onto my living room rug. Hhhmm, I guess it tastes gross, I was not aware!!

When I was done eating my breakfast I honestly thought " Well it might not taste good but it is protein loaded, good clean carbs and is really filling for such a small portion" and I was sated with that. So, when I said 15 months ago I would do anything to lose that weight, I meant it! I really really meant it!!!

If you are just starting out today and see how people eat who have been healthy for a long time do not discount their foods. Don't sit and think " I could never like that...Or eat like he does or she does" I am here to tell you, you will change and develop new priorities and you will adjust and not even know it!

Begin the change......

Friday, May 19, 2006

I have one simple question for you....

Are you excited about summer coming?

Ok I have more than 1 question. You know how one question can lead to other questions. If you are excited, tell me why!! If you are not it because you have not stuck to the decision to improve your body and your health? It is almost Memorial day here in the USA and that means BBQ's and beach days......are you ready?

Dig deep, people, this is it. This is why some of us have worked all year!! This is why we flex in the mirror, skip the butter on the veggies, perform lunges until our legs are jelly. Squeeze into that swim suit or skimpy t shirt and shorter-than-short shorts. THe timer is set and the final count down has begun.

So...ARE YOU READY?!?!?!?