Monday, June 19, 2006

I received an email from someone who says she wants to loose weight. She started last year on the BFFM path, saw results and then lost motivation. She asked me how it is I keep mine. (waving Hi Pat!)

I thought about it for a while last night. How do I remain on target? Gosh, how do you lose the target at all if you are honestly focused on it? I did not aim at a vague point and just hope to get there..where ever the "there" may be.

Everyday is an opportunity to hit or miss so everyday I can set a goal to hit my target. The human mind is an amazing tool; don't underestimate the power of your thoughts. Anthony Robbins talks about the science of "becoming". Some people will tout the phrase " fake it till ya make it". It is about being in a place mentally that you lead the body where you desire it to go.

What I am trying to say is; there is no magic here. I do not posses something everyone else does not. People who make transformations of their body, or financially or spiritually, none of them hold some key that the world is not permissible to view. it is in your reach, if you reach. You have to reach.....listen to have to reach..not hold up your hand and wait for it to fall into your grasp, it won't happen like that.

Some tips:

Stop the crippling mind set of “I just can’t find my mojo” There is nothing to find, I am not sure why you think it was created elsewhere for you to scoop up. You make it, you create the motivation and fortitude.

Stop setting vague goals like “I want to lose weight” Well, how much weight? How can you work with a goal like that? Lose 4 pounds on a crash diet, BANG goal achieved. Close your eyes and picture who you want to be. Imagine in great detail the body image you want to have. Is it to wear a size smaller? Lose the fat off your thighs? Perhaps it is to wear a slinky black dress to a party and attract the eyes of every eligible man in the room? How will you get to that goal? How will you BECOME that goal?

Start planning: In order to reach this specific goal I need a time frame. I need an approach I can work with and a diet which I can work with. I have mapped all that out in my blog as well.

Check progress: Make sure you are charting progress. Sometimes we lose fat but not weight. We exchange fat numbers on the scale for pounds of muscle. We think all that work was for nothing and we lose focus. Take some measurements, squeeze into some smaller pants and keep trying them on…if you apply it all you will see the changes not reflected in the scale.

Get support. It is great to be held accountable to others and not just our own thoughts. Join a support forum and post your goals, your desires, your struggles….your triumphs. You can join our growing forum at We are all waiting to see you!!!

Again, remember there is no magic that you can’t seem to find. You create the motivation each and every day….read again the tips… begin your journey!!!

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