Friday, May 19, 2006

I have one simple question for you....

Are you excited about summer coming?

Ok I have more than 1 question. You know how one question can lead to other questions. If you are excited, tell me why!! If you are not it because you have not stuck to the decision to improve your body and your health? It is almost Memorial day here in the USA and that means BBQ's and beach days......are you ready?

Dig deep, people, this is it. This is why some of us have worked all year!! This is why we flex in the mirror, skip the butter on the veggies, perform lunges until our legs are jelly. Squeeze into that swim suit or skimpy t shirt and shorter-than-short shorts. THe timer is set and the final count down has begun.

So...ARE YOU READY?!?!?!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HELLL YAAA....bring it on baby!!