She said she could not ride on an airplane because it would make her sick, she began to cry and heave and said she should go home even.....Leave the damn SHOW because of a ride on an airplane!! Leave the show which was offering to help her day and night lose the 100 pounds of fat which weighed her spirit down. Leave the show which so many other people applied to be on because she had to ride in an airplane. I mean, how about setting a limit on yourself as soon as the bell is rung!!
Later in the show she said she KNEW she would be picked for an added burden by the other challengers..She just KNEW she would be picked to fail, she just KNEW she had not lost enough weight to make the cut...SHE JUST KNEW SHE WAS A FAILURE, so why bother trying. How can you set yourself up like that? We see it all the time though.
I could be thin like her if I had the self discipline to not eat all the donuts and ice cream in the house at 10 o'clock at night. Here is helpful advice if this is you....Make a clean home for yourself. Don't allow junk food in until you are in a safer place emotionally that they WILL NOT TEMPT YOU! By cutting out that binging alone you save yourself from 19 pounds of extra fat gained this year!
I could be physically fit if I only had TIME to go to the gym. Between my job, errands for the family, and my down time at night I have no time to work out. Even if I did have some time, I am too tired at the end of the day to work out. I promise you this....I PROMISE YOU THIS...if you start taking 30 minutes a day just 3 times a week ( so that is what? 1.5 hours out of 168 hours in a week!) you WILL have time, you WILL get more energy and soon you will see changes which will encourage you to work out more. Soon, in a few weeks or even for some a few months you will forget you really liked this TV show, or that news program. The world will not come to a screeching halt if you skip TV a little bit and walk around the block. Your body will begin to change completely, though!
I could look as good as him but I can't give up my *insert food here*. I also can't STAND *insert food here* If you tell yourself you won't like a new food program before you even give it 100% of your effort you are no better than the 3 year old child staring at a plate of veggies that EVERY PARENT EVER has said "just try it, you may like it" So are you setting yourself up here just like a small unreasonable child having a tantrum. I can't say it any other way. I can't imagine the self reasoning to tell yourself you could have the physical appearance you have always wanted but you can't stomach the idea of eating differently to get there. With that mind set, when you become so obese and develop diabetes and heart disease....just wait till you see the foods you will have to give up in order to just STAY ALIVE!!
If you approach this with 100% effort, with 100% open thoughts to how to get to where you want to be, you will get there! If you start off making excuses for yourself before you even tie your running shoes, you will NOT get to where you really and truly want to be. So right now, be HONEST with yourself. Why are you telling yourself these things? What are you afraid of happening? You may like oatmeal? You may develop a love for aerobic fitness?
Are you afraid of failing? If you tell yourself you will do ANYTHING it takes, how can you fail?
If you are willing to do all that it takes, you WILL have the physical fitness you want!!